Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2005 (2005), Issue 7, Pages 757-766
The Cauchy problem and decay rates for strong solutions of a Boussinesq system
Francisco Guillén González1
, Márcio Santos da Rocha2
and Marko Rojas Medar3
1Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad deMatemáticas, Sevilla 41012, Spain
2DM-CCE-UEL, Londrina, PR, Brazil
3DMA-IMECC-UNICAMP, CP 6065, Campinas 13083-970, SP, Brazil
The Boussinesq equations describe the motion of an incompressible viscous fluid subject to convective heat transfer. Decay rates of derivatives of solutions of the three-dimension-al Cauchy problem for a Boussinesq system are studied in this work.