Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2005 (2005), Issue 5, Pages 509-534
On σ-porous sets in abstract spaces
L. Zajíček
Department of Mathematical Analysis, CharlesUniversity, Sokolovskà 83, Prague 8 186 75, Czech Republic
The main aim of this survey paper is to give basic information about properties and applications of σ-porous sets in Banach spaces (and some other infinite-dimensional spaces). This paper can be considered a partial continuation of the author's 1987 survey on porosity and σ-porosity and therefore only some results, remarks, and references (important for infinite-dimensional spaces) are repeated. However, this paper can be used without any knowledge of the previous survey. Some new results concerning σ-porosity in finite-dimensional spaces are also briefly mentioned. However, results concerning porosity (but not σ-porosity) are mentioned only exceptionally.