Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 10, Pages 831-880

Geometric data fitting

José L. Martínez-Morales

Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A.P. 273, Admon. de Correos #3, Cuernavaca C.P. 62251, Morelos, Mexico


Given a dense set of points lying on or near an embedded submanifold M0n of Euclidean space, the manifold fitting problem is to find an embedding F:Mn that approximates M0 in the sense of least squares. When the dataset is modeled by a probability distribution, the fitting problem reduces to that of finding an embedding that minimizes Ed[F], the expected square of the distance from a point in n to F(M). It is shown that this approach to the fitting problem is guaranteed to fail because the functional Ed has no local minima. This problem is addressed by adding a small multiple k of the harmonic energy functional to the expected square of the distance. Techniques from the calculus of variations are then used to study this modified functional.