Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2003 (2003), Issue 10, Pages 601-619
Existence results for general inequality problems with constraints
George Dincă1
, Petru Jebelean2
and Dumitru Motreanu3
1Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, St. Academiei, no.14, Bucharest 70109, Romania
2Department of Mathematics, West University of Timişoara, Bv. V. Pârvan, no. 4, Timişoara 1900, Romania
3Département de Mathématiques, Université de Perpignan, 52, avenue de Villeneuve, Perpignan Cedex 66860, France
This paper is concerned with existence results for inequality problems of type F0(u;v)+Ψ′(u;v)≥0, for all v∈X, where X is a Banach space, F:X→ℝ is locally Lipschitz, and Ψ:X→(−∞+∞] is proper, convex, and lower semicontinuous. Here F0 stands for the generalized directional derivative of F and Ψ′ denotes the directional derivative of Ψ. The applications we consider focus on the variational-hemivariational inequalities involving the p-Laplacian operator.