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4.i. Totally positivity and the conjecture of Shapiro and Shapiro

A real upper triangular matrix g is totally positive if every minor of g is positive, except those which vanish for all upper triangular matrices. Let TP be the set of all totally positive matrices. We remark that TP forms a multiplicative semigroup. Boris Shapiro and Michael Shapiro also have a conjecture concerning totally positive matrices. Here is a copy of a letter to Sottile explaining that conjecture. While dated October 1997, they made the conjecture public at least a year previously.

   Define a partial order on flags by F. < G. if G. = gF. for some totally positive matrix g in TP.

Conjecture 3. (Shapiro-Shapiro)
Let a1, a2, ..., an be Schubert conditions with (|a1| + |a2| + ... + |an| = mp). Then, given any real flags F.1, F.2, ..., F.n with F.1 < F.2 < ... < F.n, the intersection of Schubert varieties

Ya1F.1, Ya2F.2, ..., YanF.n,
consists solely of real p-planes H.

To see this generalizes Conjecture 2, let g(s) be the matrix exp(sN), where N is the nilpotent matrix whose only non-zero entries are 1, 2, ..., m+p-1, just above the diagonal. Then the ith row is the (i-1)st derivative of the vector (1, s, s2, s3, ..., sm+p-1). Hence if we define the flag F.(s) by Fi(s) is the row space of the first i rows of g(s), then F.(s) is the flag of subspaces osculating the standard rational normal curve at the point s (cf. Section 3.iii).

   Either by direct calculation, or using the fact the TP is generated by exponentials of upper diagonal matrices with positive entries [], we see that for s > 0, the matrix g(s) is totally positive. Thus, if s1 < s2 < ... < sn are real numbers, then we have F.(s1) < F.(s2) < ... < F.(sn), and so we see that Conjecture 2 is a special case of Conjecture 3.

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