Experimental Mathematics
Volume 1 (1992)
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Volume 1, issue 1
Letter from the editor (Postcript, compressed with gzip)The Kobayashi Metric of a Complex Ellipsoid in ℂ2
Brian E. Blank
Dashan Fan
David Klein
Steven G. Krantz
Daowei Ma
Myung-Yull Pang
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
A Sixteenth-order Polylogarithm Ladder
Henri Cohen
Leonard Lewin
Don Zagier
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
The Nonexistence of Certain Projective Planes of Order 15
David A. Drake
Jean A. Larson
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Patterns in 1-Additive Sequences
Steven R. Finch
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
The Topology of Rational Points
Barry Mazur
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Remarks on Iterated Cubic Maps
John Milnor
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
The Pentagram Map
Richard Schwartz
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Volume 1, issue 2
The Surface Evolver
Kenneth A. Brakke
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Zéros des Fonctions L de Courbes Elliptiques
Stéfane Fermigier
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Fast Fourier Analysis for SL2 over a Finite Field and Related Numerical Experiments
John D. Lafferty
Daniel Rockmore
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Reduction of Huge, Sparse Matrices over Finite Fields Via Created Catastrophes
Carl Pomerance
J. W. Smith
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
R-Trees and Normalization of Pseudogroups
Frank Rimlinger
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Volume 1, issue 3
Letter from the editor (Postcript, compressed with gzip)
Experimental Indications of Three-dimensional Galois Representations from the Cohomology of SL(3,Z)
Avner Ash
Mark McConnell
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Etude Algorithmique de Réseaux Construits avec la Forme Trace
Christine Bachoc
Christian Batut
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
The Totally Real A5 Extension of Degree 6 with Minimum Discriminant
David Ford
Michael Pohst
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
An Implementation of the Neumann-Praeger Algorithm for the Recognition of Special Linear Groups
Derek F. Holt
Sarah Rees
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Minimizing the Squared Mean Curvature Integral for Surfaces in Space Forms
Lucas Hsu
Rob Kusner
John Sullivan
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip; 5MB); also available in pieces:
part 1, part 2, part 3
Recognition of Δl K-Singularities of Functions
Farid Tari
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Volume 1, issue 4
Computing the Generating Function of a Series Given Its First Few Terms
François Bergeron
Simon Plouffe
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
Computer Graphics and a New Gibbs Phenomenon for Fourier-Bessel Series
Alfred Gray
Mark A. Pinsky
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)
On the Topography of Maass Waveforms for PSL(2,Z)
Dennis A. Hejhal
Barry N. Rackner
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip; 16.5MB); also available in pieces:
page 281, page 282, page 283, page 284, and the rest
Numerical Experiments in Fourier Asymptotics of Cantor Measures and Wavelets
Prem Janardhan
David Rosenblum
Robert S. Strichartz
Abstract in Postscript or DVI
Postscript (compressed with gzip)