Strongly nonlinear problem of infinite order with $L^1$ data
A. Benkirane, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences of Fez, Fez, Morocco E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 15. (2009), pp. 1-12.
M. Chrif, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences of Fez, Fez, Morocco
S. El Manouni, Al-Imam University, Faculty of Sciences, Riyadh, KSA
Communicated by F. Zanolin. | Received on 2008-03-11 Appeared on 2009-03-21 |
Abstract: In this paper, we prove the existence of solutions for the strongly nonlinear equation of the type $$ Au+g(x,u)=f $$ where $A$ is an elliptic operator of infinite order from a functional space of Sobolev type to its dual. $g(x,s)$ is a lower order term satisfying essentially a sign condition on $s$ and the second term $f$ belongs to $L^1(\Omega).$
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