Fixed points and differential equations with asymptotically constant or periodic solutions
T. A. Burton, Northwest Research Institute, Port Angeles, WA, U.S.A.
E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 11. (2004), pp. 1-31.
Communicated by L. Hatvani. | Received on 2004-01-19 Appeared on 2004-05-28 |
Abstract: Cooke and Yorke developed a theory of biological growth and epidemics based on an equation $x'(t)=g(x(t))-g(x(t-L))$ with the fundamental property that $g$ is an arbitrary locally Lipschitz function. They proved that each solution either approaches a constant or $\pm \infty$ on its maximal right-interval of definition. They also raised a number of interesting questions and conjectures concerning the determination of the limit set, periodic solutions, parallel results for more general delays, and stability of solutions. Although their paper motivated many subsequent investigations, the basic questions raised seem to remain unanswered.
We study such equations with more general delays by means of two successive applications of contraction mappings. Given the initial function, we explicitly locate the constant to which the solution converges, show that the solution is stable, and show that its limit function is a type of "selective global attractor." In the last section we examine a problem of Minorsky in the guidance of a large ship. Knowledge of that constant to which solutions converge is critical for guidance and control.
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