Volume 3, 1998

Table of contents: dvi.gz, dvi, ps.gz

 17.	Volker Bach, Jean-Marie Barbaroux,
	  Bernard Helffer,  Heinz Siedentop
	Stability of Matter for the Hartree-Fock Functional 
	  of the Relativistic Electron-Positron Field
	--> This manuscript contains graphics, 
	--> hence the dvi files will be incomplete.
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 353-364
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 44 k, dvi 124 k, ps.gz 111 k.

 16.	Oleg T. Izhboldin
	Motivic Equivalence of Quadratic Forms
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 341-351
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 25 k, dvi 62 k, ps.gz 82 k.

 15.	M. S. Abual-Rub
	Long Range Diffusion Reaction Model 
	on Population Dynamics
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 333-340
	Abstract 1 k, dvi.gz 12 k, dvi 26 k, ps.gz 50 k.

 14.	Mina Teicher
	Chern Classes of Fibered Products of Surfaces
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 321-332
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 18 k, dvi 46 k, ps.gz 66 k.

 13.	Annette Werner
	Local Heights on Abelian Varieties
	and Rigid Analytic Uniformization
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 301-319
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 42 k, dvi 114 k, ps.gz 118 k.

 12.	Annette Huber, Jörg Wildeshaus
	Correction to the Paper
	"Classical Motivic Polylogarithm
	According to Beilinson and Deligne"
	cf. this volume pp. 27-133.
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 297-299
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 6 k, dvi 12 k, ps.gz 40 k.

 11.	Erez M. Lapid
	A note on the Global Langlands Conjecture
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 285-296
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 28 k, dvi 62 k, ps.gz 54 k.

 10.	Haruzo Hida
	Global Quadratic Units and Hecke Algebras
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 273-284
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 30 k, dvi 65 k, ps.gz 60 k.

 9.	Michael Scheutzow, Heinrich v. Weizsäcker
	Which Moments of a Logarithmic Derivative 
	Imply Quasiinvariance?
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 261-272
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 23 k, dvi 53 k, ps.gz 77 k.

 8.	Bernhard Keller
	On the Cyclic Homology 
	of Ringed Spaces and  Schemes
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 231-259
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 50 k, dvi 133 k, ps.gz 114 k.

 7.	Marc A. Rieffel
	Metrics on States from Actions of Compact Groups
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 215-230
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 27 k, dvi 62 k, ps.gz 80 k.

 6.	Detlev W. Hoffmann and Jean-Pierre Tignol
	On $14$-dimensional quadratic forms in $I^3$, 
	$8$-dimensional forms in $I^2$, 
	and the common value property
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 189-214
	Abstract 3 k, dvi.gz 56 k, dvi 146 k, ps.gz 122 k.

 5.	Meike Schäffler
	Partition Regular Systems
	of Linear Inequalities
	--> This manuscript contains graphics, 
	--> hence the dvi files will be incomplete.
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 149-187
	Abstract 1 k, dvi.gz 58 k, dvi 168 k, ps.gz 142 k.

 4.	Vladimir Chernousov
	An Alternative Proof of Scheiderer's Theorem
	on the Hasse Principle 
	for Principal Homogeneous Spaces
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 135-148
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 32 k, dvi 78 k, ps.gz 66 k.

 3.	Annette Huber, Jörg Wildeshaus
	Classical Motivic Polylogarithm
	According to Beilinson and Deligne
	Correction, this volume: 297-299.
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 27-133
	Abstract 3 k, dvi.gz 164 k, dvi 455 k, ps.gz 310 k.

 2.	Stefan Kebekus
	Simple Models 
	of Quasihomogeneous Projective 3-Folds
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 15-26
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 24 k, dvi 54 k, ps.gz 46 k.

 1.	Peter Heinzner
	The Minimum Principle 
	from a Hamiltonian Point of View
	Doc.Math.J.DMV 3 (1998) 1-14
	Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 30 k, dvi 72 k, ps.gz 58 k.
Total data: Abstracts: 34 k, dvi.gz: 669 k, dvi: 1732 k, ps.gz: 1596 k, total: 4031 k

Total volume 3

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