DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA, Vol. 3 (1998), 341-351

Oleg T. Izhboldin

Motivic Equivalence of Quadratic Forms

Let $X_\phi$ and $X_\psi$ be projective quadrics corresponding to quadratic forms $\phi$ and $\psi$ over a field $F$. If $X_\phi$ is isomorphic to $X_\psi$ in the category of Chow motives, we say that $\phi$ and $\psi$ are motivic isomorphic and write $\phi\msim\psi$. We show that in the case of odd-dimensional forms the condition $\phi\msim\psi$ is equivalent to the similarity of $\phi$ and $\psi$. After this, we discuss the case of even-dimensional forms. In particular, we construct examples of generalized Albert forms $q_1$ and $q_2$ such that $q_1\msim q_2$ and $q_1\not\sim q_2$.

Keywords and Phrases: Quadratic form, quadric, Pfister form, Chow motives

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 11E81; Secondary19E15

Full text: dvi.gz 25 k, dvi 62 k, ps.gz 82 k.