15. Mikael Rørdam Stability of $C^*$-Algebras is Not a Stable Property Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 375-386 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 23 k, dvi 59 k, ps.gz 83 k. 14. Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler On the Cuspidal Divisor Class Group of a Drinfeld Modular Curve Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 351-374 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 54 k, dvi 125 k, ps.gz 126 k. 13. Udo Hertrich-Jeromin Supplement on Curved Flats in the Space of Point Pairs and Isothermic Surfaces: A Quaternionic Calculus Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 335-350 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 35 k, dvi 85 k, ps.gz 98 k. 12. Udo Hertrich-Jeromin and Franz Pedit Remarks on the Darboux Transform of Isothermic Surfaces --> Dieses Manuskript enthält Farbgrafik, --> die dvi-Datei ist daher unvollständig. Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 313-333 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 32 k, dvi 80 k, ps.gz 1402 k. 11. Oleg T. Izhboldin and Nikita A. Karpenko On the Group $H^3(F(\psi,D)/F)$ Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 297-311 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 31 k, dvi 83 k, ps.gz 93 k. 10. Victor Nistor Higher Index Theorems and the Boundary Map in Cyclic Cohomology Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 263-295 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 69 k, dvi 175 k, ps.gz 154 k. 9. Jonathan Arazy and Harald Upmeier Invariant Inner Product in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions on Bounded Symmetric Domains Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 213-261 Abstract 1 k, dvi.gz 87 k, dvi 229 k, ps.gz 199 k. 8. Ekaterina Amerik Maps onto Certain Fano Threefolds Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 195-211 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 32 k, dvi 75 k, ps.gz 86 k. 7. Henrik Kratz Compact Complex Manifolds with Numerically Effective Cotangent Bundles Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 183-193 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 22 k, dvi 50 k, ps.gz 77 k. 6. Joachim Cuntz Bivariante $K$-Theorie für lokalkonvexe Algebren und der Chern-Connes-Charakter Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 139-182 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 75 k, dvi 199 k, ps.gz 128 k. 5. Jane Arledge, Marcelo Laca and Iain Raeburn Semigroup Crossed Products and Hecke Algebras Arising from Number Fields Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 115-138 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 52 k, dvi 135 k, ps.gz 135 k. 4. Christian Leis Hopf-Bifurcation in Systems with Spherical Symmetry Part I : Invariant Tori --> Dieses Manuskript enthält Grafik, --> die dvi-Datei kann daher unvollständig sein. Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 61-113 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 91 k, dvi 264 k, ps.gz 143 k. 3. A. Langer Selmer Groups and Torsion Zero Cycles on the Selfproduct of a Semistable Elliptic Curve Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 47-59 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 20 k, dvi 56 k, ps.gz 75 k. 2. Amnon Besser On the Finiteness of {\cyr Sh} for Motives Associated to Modular Forms Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 31-46 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 33 k, dvi 83 k, ps.gz 97 k. 1. A. Böttcher On the Approximation Numbers of Large Toeplitz Matrices Doc.Math.J.DMV 2 (1997) 1-29 Abstract 2 k, dvi.gz 47 k, dvi 122 k, ps.gz 124 k.Gesamtdaten: Abstracts: 29 k, dvi.gz: 703 k, dvi: 1820 k, ps.gz: 3020 k, total: 5572 k
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