Semigroup Crossed Products and Hecke Algebras Arising from Number Fields
Recently Bost and Connes considered a Hecke $C^*$-algebra arising from the ring inclusion of $\Bbb Z$ in $\Bbb Q$, and a $C^*$-dynamical system involving this algebra. Laca and Raeburn realized this algebra as a semigroup crossed product, and studied it using techniques they had previously developed for studying Toeplitz algebras. Here we associate Hecke algebras to general number fields, realize them as semigroup crossed products, and analyze their representations.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46L55, Secondary 11R04, 22D25
Keywords: semigroup dynamical system, covariant representation, Hecke algebra
Full text: dvi.gz 52 k, dvi 135 k, ps.gz 135 k.