Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques naturelles / sciences mathematiques Vol. CXXXVII, No. 33, pp. 83–90 () |
An equation in the left and right fractional derivatives of the same orderB. StankovicDepartment of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 4, 21000 Novi Sad, SerbiaAbstract: The linear equation in left and right fractional derivatives is considered in a subspace $\d ' _{b}$ of the space $\d ' $ of distributions. Keywords: Left and right fractional derivatives, tempered distributions Classification (MSC2000): 34G10 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 7 Sep 2008. This page was last modified: 23 Feb 2010.
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