Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques naturelles / sciences mathematiques Vol. CXXXIV, No. 32, pp. 13–32 (2007) |
Subconvexity for the Riemann zeta-function and the divisor problemM. N. Huxley and A. IvicSchool of Mathematics, University of Cardiff, 23 Senghenydd Road, Cardiff CF2 4AG, Great BritainKatedra Matematike RGF-a, Universitet u Beogradu, Djusina 7, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Abstract: A simple proof of the classical subconvexity bound $\zt \ll_\e t^{1/6+\e}$ for the Riemann zeta-function is given, and estimation by more refined techniques is discussed. The connections between the Dirichlet divisor problem and the mean square of $|\zt|$ are analysed. Keywords: The Riemann zeta-function, subconvexity, the divisor problem, mean square of $|\zt|$, exponent pairs, Bombieri–Iwaniec method Classification (MSC2000): 11M06, 11N37 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
Electronic fulltext finalized on: 23 Sep 2007. This page was last modified: 10 Mar 2008.
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