M.T. Calapso M.T., F. Defever, R. Rosca,:
Contact transformation of a presymplectic form with Quasi-Sasakian structure
I. Comic:
Einstein-Yang Mills equations for gauge transformations of second order
G. Galanis, E. Vassiliou:
Remarks on the cohomological classification of certain Frechet bundles
H.S. Kim, Y.M. Kim:
On complete space-like hypersurfaces in a Lorentz manifold satisfying some curvature conditions
S. Kobayashi:
Bubbletons in 3-dimensional space forms
S. Matsutani:
Submanifold Dirac operator with torsion
D.M. Petrosanu:
Examples of parallel spin-tensors
D.D. Porosniuc:
A locally symmetric Kahler Einstein structure on the cotangent bundle of a space form
L. Solanilla, L.F. Lopez, J.L. Bustos:
"Strong" extrema of functionals defined on Riemannian 2-manifolds
M.M. Tripathi, J.S. Kim:
On the concircular curvature tensor of a (\kappa,\mu)-manifold
C. Udriste, A. Ciancio:
Linearized geometric dynamics
Publication date for the electronic files: 3 Feb 2005. Last modified: 6 July 2005.
© 2005 ELibM and FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH for the EMIS Electronic Edition