K.Arslan, C. Murathan, C. Ozgur and A. Yildiz:
On Contact Metric R-Harmonic Manifolds
V.Balan and J.Dorfmeister:
A Weierstrass - Type Representation for Harmonic Maps
N. Bila:
Symmetry Groups and Conservation Laws
K. Buchner and R. Rosca:
On 2 - Framed Riemannian Manifolds with Godbillon - Vey Structure Form
J.X. da Cruz Neto, O.P.Ferreira and L.R. Lucambio Perez:
Monotone Point-to-Set Vector Fields
Ricci-Semisymmetric Hypersurfaces
D.C. Galehouse:
A Fundamental Geometry of Quantum Physics
Shun-ichi Hojo, M.Matsumoto and K.Okubo:
Theory of Conformally Berwald Finsler Spaces and Its Applications
H.P.Mazumdar, Gr.Tsagas and S.C.Ghosh:
On the Breaking of Mirror Symmetry
The Manifold of Euclidean Inner Products of Sphere
Loi Exponentielle dans le Fibre des Jets, Symetries des Equations Differentielles@language: French
Gauge Bianchi Identities in Higher Order Lagrange Spaces
L. Tamassy, U. C. De and T. Q. Binh:
On Weak Symmetries of Kaehler Manifolds
A Classification Theorem for Connections
Publication date for the electronic files: 10 Aug 2000. Last modified: 31 August 2000.
© 2000 ELibM for the EMIS Electronic Edition