Mathematical Problems in Engineering 
Volume 4 (1998), Issue 4, Pages 301-316

Emergency control of unstable behavior of nonlinear systems induced by fault

Mark A. Pinsky and Michael V. Basin

University of Nevada at Reno, Department of Mathematics – 084, Reno 89557-0045, NV, USA

Received 6 March 1997; Revised 11 August 1997


This paper presents the emergency control approach intended to urgently return to the stability basin the system states affected by abrupt changes in certain system coefficients on a short time interval. Because of its short duration, the modeling of both the fault and controller involves δ -functions significantly simplifying analysis and control of fault phenomena. The design of an mergency controller is based on the technique for computing fault-induced jumps of the system states, which is described in the paper. An emergency controller instantaneously returning states of a sample nonlinear system to its stability basin is designed.