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Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the 10-15 July 2005, Melbourne |
From this page you can download individual files of the Plenary Lectures, Plenary Panel, Research Forums, and Research Reports, that were presented at this conference and which appeared in the proceedings. In addition you can download files containing all the Short Oral Communications, all the Poster Presentations, the Working Sessions and Discussion Groups, and the individual volumes of the entire proceedings. Use the headings at left to browse particular kinds of presentation. To search for authors or other key words, simply use the "find in page" facility of your browser. Bibliographic Details for the original proceedings: Chick, H. L., & Vincent, J. L. (Eds.). (2005). Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (4 Volumes). Melbourne: PME. ISSN 0771-100X. |
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
Lin, Fou-Lai
Modelling students' learning in argumentation and mathematics proof
Stacey, Kaye
Travelling the road to expertise: A longitudinal study of learning
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
RF01 The significance of task design in mathematics education: Examples from proportional reasoning
Coordinators: Janet Ainley & Dave Pratt
Additional Contributors: Dirk De Bock, Wim Van Dooren, Lieven Verschaffel, Koeno Gravemeijer, Frans van Galen, Ronald Keijzer, Alex Friedlander, Abraham Arcavi
RF02 Gesture and the construction of mathematical meaning (LARGE FILE - 4.7MB)
Coordinators: Ferdinando Arzarello & Laurie Edwards
Additional Contributors: Francesca Ferrara, Ornella Robutti, D. Paola, C. Sabena, Maria G. Bartolini Bussi, Michela Maschietto, Ricardo Nemirovsky, Luis Radford, Julian Williams, James Kaput
RF03 A progression of early number concepts
Coordinators: Kathleen Hart & Ann Gervasoni
Additional Contributor: Catherine Pearn
RF04 Theories Of Mathematics Education
Coordinators: Lyn English & Bharath Sriraman
Additional Contributors: Frank K. Lester Jr., Stephen Lerman, Luis Moreno Armella, John Pegg, David Tall, Richard Lesh, Günter Törner
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
Each individual Research Report (about 8 pages) is available by clicking on the appropriate link. Research Reports underwent peer review (see Volume 1 of the Proceedings for more details).
Amato, Solange Amorim
Developing students' understanding of the concept of fractions as numbers
Arzarello, Ferdinando & Ferrara, Francesca & Robutti, Ornella & Paola, Domingo
The genesis of signs by gestures. The case of Gustavo (LARGE FILE - 2.3 MB)
Baldino, Roberto R. & Cabral, Tania C. B.
Situations of psychological cognitive no-growth
Ball, Lynda & Stacey, Kaye
Good CAS written records: Insight from teachers
Banerjee, Rakhi & Subramaniam, K.
Developing procedure and structure sense of arithmetic expressions
Barnes, Mary
Exploring how power is enacted in small groups
Berger, Margot
Vygotsky's theory of concept formation and mathematics education
Beswick, Kim
Preservice teachers' understandings of relational and instrumental understanding
Borba, Marcelo C.
The transformation of mathematics in on-line courses
Bulmer, Michael & Rolka, Katrin
The "A4-project": Statistical world views expressed through pictures
Callingham, Rosemary
A whole-school approach to developing mental computation strategies
Chick, Helen L. & Baker, Monica K.
Investigating teachers' responses to student misconceptions
Diezmann, Carmel
Primary students' knowledge of the properties of spatially-oriented diagrams
English, Lyn & Watters, James
Mathematical modelling with 9-year-olds
Fernández, Maria L
Exploring "Lesson Study" in teacher preparation
Fox, Jillian
Child-initiated mathematical patterning in the pre-compulsory years
Frade, Cristina
The tacit-explicit nature of students' knowledge: A case study on area measurement
Francisco, John M. & Maher, Carolyn A.
Teachers as interns in informal mathematics research
Frempong, George
Exploring excellence and equity within Canadian mathematics classrooms
Fuglestad, Anne Berit
Students' use of ICT tools: Choices and reasons
Goos, Merrilyn
A sociocultural analysis of learning to teach
Gorgorió, Núria & Planas, Núria
Reconstructing norms
Guidoni, Paolo & Iannece, Donatella & Tortora, Roberto
Forming teachers as resonance mediators
Heinze, Aiso
Mistake-handling activities in the mathematics classroom
Heirdsfield, Ann
One teacher's role in promoting understanding in mental computation
Huillet, Danielle
Mozambican teachers' professional knowledge about limits of functions
Inglis, Matthew & Simpson, Adrian
Heuristic biases in mathematical reasoning
Jones, Ian & Pratt, Dave
Three utilities for the equal sign
Lee, Kyung Hwa
Mathematically gifted students' geometrical reasoning and informal proof
Makar, Katie & Canada, Dan
Preservice teachers' conceptions of variation
Norton, Stephen
The construction of proportional reasoning
Owens, Kay
Substantive communication of space mathematics in upper primary school
Pang, JeongSuk
Transforming Korean elementary mathematics classrooms to student-centered instruction
Prescott, Anne & Mitchelmore, Michael
Teaching projectile motion to eliminate misconceptions
Sekiguchi, Yasuhiro
Development of mathematical norms in an eighth-grade Japanese classroom
Siswono, Tatag Yuli Eko
Student thinking strategies in reconstructing theorems
Southwell, Beth & Penglase, Marina
Mathematical knowledge of pre-service primary teachers
Steinthorsdottir, Olof Bjorg
Girls journey toward proportional reasoning
Verhoef, N. C. & Broekman, H. G. B.
A process of abstraction by representations of concepts
Volkova, Tanya N.
Characterizing middle school students' thinking in estimation
Walshaw, Margaret & Cabral, Tania
Reviewing and thinking the affect/cognition relation
Warren, Elizabeth
Young children's ability to generalise the pattern rule for growing patterns
Williams, Gaye
Consolidating one novel structure whilst constructing two more
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
All of the single page Short Oral Presentations are available in the one document.
Abdul Rahman, Roselainy & Mohammad Yusof, Yudariah & Mason, John H.
Mathematical knowledge construction: Recognizing students'struggle
Acuña, Claudia
Figural interpretation of straight lines through identification, construction and description focussed on slope and y-intercept features
Baharun, Sabariah & Mohammad Yusof, Yudariah & Ahmad, Tahir & Arshad, Khairil Annuar
Thinking mathematically: Personal journey in the modeling of a clinical waste incineration process
Bazzini, Luciana & Bertazzoli, Luisa & Morselli, Francesca
The fruitful synergy of paper & pencil and Cabri géomètre: A case study
Beckmann, Sybilla
Development of a rationale in a US text and in Singapore's school mathematics texts
Borba, Rute Elizabete de Souza Rosa
How children solve division problems and deal with remainders
Bower, Michelle L. W.
Student mathematical talk: A case study in algebra and physics
Breen, Chris
Ethical considerations in a mathematics teacher education classroom
Brown, Tony & Bradford, Krista
Ceci n'est pas un "circle"
Bruder, Regina & Komorek, Evelyn & Schmitz, Bernhard
Development and evaluation of a concept for problem-solving and self-guided learning in maths lessons
Calder, Nigel
Mathematical problem-solving in a spreadsheet environment: In what ways might student discourse influence understanding?
Caswell, Rosemaree & Nisbet, Steven
The value of play in learning mathematics in the middle years of schooling
Cedillo, Tenoch
The potential of CAS to promote changes in teachers' conceptions and practices
Chang, Yu-Liang & Wu, Su-Chiao
Pre-service teachers' self-efficacy toward elementary mathematics and science
Cretchley, Patricia
Students and software: Tales of anxiety, songs of support
Cunningham, Robert F. & van der Sandt, Suriza
Composition and decomposition of 2-dimensional figures demonstrated by preservice teachers
Davis, Sarah M.
What's in a name? Anonymity of input in next-generation classroom networks
Dindyal, Jaguthsing
Students' use of different representations in problem solving at high school level
Finnane, Maureen
Automatised errors: A hazard for students with mathematical learning difficulties
Gooya, Zahra & Karamian, Azar
Teaching geometry in two secondary classrooms in Iran, using ethnomathematics approach
Groves, Susie & Doig, Brian
Teaching strategies to support young children's mathematical explanations
Hansen, Alice & Pratt, Dave
How do we provide tasks for children to explore the dynamic relationships between shapes?
Hardy, Tansy
Participation, performance and stage fright: Keys to confident learning and teaching in mathematics?
Herbert, Sandra & Pierce, Robyn
An emergent model for rate of change
Holton, Derek & Linsell, Chris
The role of activities in teaching early algebra
Izsák, Andrew
Coordinated analyses of teacher and student knowledge engaged during fraction instruction
Jakubowski, Elizabeth
Differences in learning geometry among high and low spatial ability preservice mathematics teachers
Kazima, Mercy
Mathematical knowledge for teaching probability in secondary schools
Kesianye, Sesutho
Student teachers' views on learning through interactive and reflective methods
Kim, In Kyung
Low-achievement students' rationale about mathematics learning
Kim, NamGyun
Characteristics of early elementary students' mathematical symbolizing processes
Knapp, Jessica & Oehrtman, Michael
Temporal order in the formal limit definition
Koyama, Masataka
Research on the process of understanding mathematics: Ways of finding the sum of the measure of interior angles in a convex polygon
Krupanandan, Daniel
Mathematics: Coping with learner success or failure.
Kwon, MinSung & Pang, JeongSuk & Lee, Kyung Hwa
An analysis of teacher-students interaction in Korean elementary mathematics classrooms
Kwon, Oh Nam & Ju, Mi-Kyung & Kim, So Youn
Students' graphical understanding in an inquiry-oriented differential equation course: Implication for pre-service mathematics teacher education
Lamb, Martin & Malone, John
Types of visual misperception in mathematics
Leung, King-man
Developing students' high-order thinking skills through increasing student-student interaction in the primary classroom
Lin, Pi-Jen
Supporting teachers on learning to teach fraction equivalence by providing research data of children's thinking
Lindén, Nora
Pupils' tools for communicating meta-knowledge
Lins, Abigail F. (Bibi), & Araújo Jr, Carlos F. de. & Costa, Carlos H. de J. & Guazzelli, Iara R. B. & Bonici, Rosângela M. C.
Mathematics education, culture and new technologies
Liu, Po-Hung
Investigation of students' views of mathematics in a historical approach calculus course
Liu, Shiang-tung & Ho, Feng-chu
Conjecture activities for comprehending statistics term through speculations on the functions of fictitious spectrometers
MacGregor, Mollie
Turning mathematical processes into objects
Mashiach-Eizenberg, Michal & Lavy, Ilana
The beneficial and pitfall role of the spoken language in the informal definition of statistical concepts
Misailidou, Christina
A didactic proposal for supporting pupils' proportional reasoning
Na, GwiSoo
An investigation on proofs education in Korea
Oikonomou, Andreas & Tzekaki, Marianna
Improving spatial representations in early childhood
Papic, Marina
The development of patterning in early childhood
Pinel, Adrian J. & Dawes, Maria & Plater, Carol
The development and piloting of a six month pre-initial teacher training mathematics enhancement course
Pongboriboon, Yachai & Punturat, Sompong & Chaiyo, Anchalee
Authentic assessment in mathematics classroom: A participatory action research
Reading, Chris & Wessels, Helena & Wessels, Dirk
The candy task goes to South Africa: Reasoning about variation in a practical context
Rösken, Bettina & Törner, Günter
Some characteristics of mental representations of the integral concept: An empirical study to reveal images and definitions
Ryan, Julie & McCrae, Barry
Pre-service teachers' mathematics subject knowledge: Admissions testing and learning profiles
Sakonidis, Haralambos
Mathematics teachers' pedagogical identities under construction: A study
Seah, Rebecca & Booker, George
Middle school mathematics education and the development of multiplication conceptual knowledge
Shy, Haw-Yaw & Feng, Shu-Chen & Liang, Chorng-Huey
A revisit on problem solving
Siemon, Dianne & Enilane, Fran & McCarthy, Jan
Probing Indigenous students' understanding of Western mathematics
Slaten, Kelli M. & Berenson, Sarah B. & Droujkova, Maria & Tombes, Sue
Assessing beginning pre-service teacher knowledge: An early intervention strategy
Sriraman, Bharath
The impediments to formulating generalizations
Thomas, Noel & Hastings, Wendy & Dengate, Bob
Student numeracy: A study of the numeracy development of teaching undergraduates
Tsai, Wen-Huan
Interaction between teaching norms and learning norms from professional community and classroom communities
Tsamir, Pessia & Ovodenko, Regina
"Erroneous tasks": Prospective teachers' solutions and didactical views
Tsao, Yea-Ling
Blind students' perspective on learning the geometric concepts in Taiwan
Tso, Tai-Yih
Mathematical modelling as learning activities
Tzekaki, Marianna & Littler, Graham
Innovative teaching approaches in different countries
Vale, Colleen
Equity and technology: Teachers' voices
van der Sandt, Suriza
The state and impact of geometry pre-service preparation: Possible lessons from South Africa
Walls, Fiona
Examining task-driven pedagogies of mathematics
Walshaw, Margaret & Siber, Elizabeth
Inclusive mathematics: catering for the 'learning-difficulties' student
Warner, Linda & Anthony, Glenda
Children's notation on early number computation
Warner, Lisa B. & Schorr, Roberta Y. & Samuels, May L. & Gearhart, Darleen L.
Teacher behaviors and their contribution to the growth of mathematical understanding
Webb, Lyn & Webb, Paul
Teachers' beliefs of the nature of mathematics: Effects on promotion of Mathematical Literacy
Wu, Su-Chiao & Chang, Yu-Liang
Action research on integrating brain-based educational theoryin mathematics teacher preparation program
Yen, Fu-Ming & Chang, Ching-Kuch
Using writing to explore how junior high school gifted students construct model in problem solving.
Yen, Ying-Hsiu & Shy, Haw-Yaw & Chen, Chun-Fang & Liang, Chorng-Huey & Feng, Shu-Chen
An alternative model on gifted education
Yevdokimov, Oleksiy
Learning mathematical discovery in a classroom: Different forms, characteristics and perspectives. A case study
Young-Loveridge, Jennifer M. & Taylor, Merilyn & Hawera, Ngarewa
Students' views about communicating mathematically with their peers and teachers
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
All of the single page Poster Presentations are available in the one document.
Andresen, Mette
Working with mathematical models in CAS
Baggett, Patricia & Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej
A non-standard mathematics program for K-12 teachers
Berry, Betsy (Sandra E.)
Supporting the development of middle school mathematics teachers' evolving models for the teaching of algebra
Bispo, Regina & Ramalho, Glória
Evaluation of suggested problems in Portuguese mathematics textbooks
Chen, Yen-Ting & Leou, Shian
The investigation of conceptual change and argumentation in mathematical learning
Chung, Jing
Teaching time by picture books for children in mathematics class
De Bock, Dirk & Van Dooren, Wim & Verschaffel, Lieven
The over-reliance on linearity: A study on its manifestations in popular press
Droujkov, Dmitri & Droujkova, Maria
Software for the development of multiplicative reasoning
Droujkova, Maria
Tables and young children's algebraic and multiplicative reasoning
Fuglestad, Anne Berit
Students' choices of ICT tools and their reasons.
Higgins, Joanna
Teacher orientations to equipment use in elementary mathematics classrooms
Hino, Keiko
Process of change of teaching on ratio and proportion by making aware of a knowledge acquisition model: Case study
Hsieh, Ju-Shan
Pre-service math teachers' beliefs in Taiwan
Ilany, Bat-Sheva & Margolin, Bruria
A procedural model for the solution of word problems in mathematics
Ji, EunJeung
The 5th-10th grade students' informal knowledge of sample and sampling
Katsap, Ada
Fostering teachers' ethnomathematical learning and training: How done in fact and what can be learned about?
Kishimoto, Tadayuki
Students' misconception of negative numbers: Understanding of concrete, number line, and formal model
Kwon, Oh Nam & Park, Jungsook & Park, Jeehyun & Oh, Hyemi & Ju, Mi-Kyung
The effects of mathematics program for girls based on feminist pedagogy
Larios Osorio, Víctor
Argumentation and geometric proof construction on a dynamic geometry environment
Lautert, Sintria Labres & Spinillo, Alina Galvão
What's wrong with this solution procedure? Asking children to identify incorrect solutions in division-with-remainder (DWR) problems
Lombard, Ana-Paula & Kühne, Cally & van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Marja
Interviewing foundation phase teachers to assess their knowledge about the development of children's early number strategies
Ma, Hsiu-Lan
A study of developing practical reasoning
Misailidou, Christina
Developing ideas: A case study on teaching 'ratio' in secondary school
Okamoto, Yukari & Moseley, Bryan & Ishida, Junichi
Analyses of US and Japanese students' correct and incorrect responses: Case of rational numbers
Pang, JeongSuk
Mathematical activities and connections in Korean elementary mathematics
Robson, Daphne
Online instruction for equation solving
Selva, Ana Coelho Vieira & Borba, Rute Elizabete de Souza Rosa
Using the calculator to understand remainders of divisions and decimal numbers
Stroup, Walter M. & Davis, Sarah M.
Generative activities and function-based algebra
Tsao, Yea-Ling
Teaching statistics with constructivist- base learning method to describe student attitudes toward statistics
Warner, Lisa B.
Student behaviors that contribute to the growth of mathematical understanding
Wessels, Helena & Wessels, Dirk
Assessment of spatial tasks of Grade 4-6 students
Widjaja, Wanty
Didactical analysis of learning activities on decimals for Indonesian pre-service teachers
Yao, Ru-Fen
Workshop on designing "school-based" mathematics instructional modules
Yoshida, Kaori
Children's "everyday concepts of fractions" based on Vygostky's theory: Before and after fraction lessons
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
The file of Working Sessions contains the single page outlines of all the Working Sessions, together with all Discussion Group outlines.
Discussion Groups and Working Sessions
WS01 Teaching and learning mathematics in multilingual classrooms
Coordinators: Mamokgethi Setati & Richard Barwell & Anjum Halai
WS02 Examining theses
Coordinators: Kath Hart & Anne Berit Fuglestad
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
The file of Discussion Groups contains the single page outlines of all the Discussion Groups, together with all Working Session outlines.
Discussion Groups and Working Sessions
DG01 Mathematics and gender: Should the world still care?
Coordinators: Helen Forgasz & Joanne Rossi Becker
DG02 Abstraction in mathematics learning
Coordinators: Michael Mitchelmore & Paul White
DG03 Research by teachers, research with teachers
Coordinators: Jarmila Novotná & Agatha Lebethe & Gershon Rosen & Vicki Zack
DG04 Thought and language in the context of mathematics education
Coordinators: Cristina Frade & Stephen Lerman & Jorge Tarcísio da Rocha Falcão & Luciano Meira
DG05 Towards new perspectives and new methodologies for the use of technology in mathematics education
Coordinators: Bibi Lins & Victor Giraldo & Luiz Mariano Carvalho & Laurie Edwards
DG06 Indigenous communities and mathematics education: Research issues and findings
Coordinators: Annette Baturo & Miriam Amit & Hsiu-Fei Lee
DG07 Teacher change
Coordinators: Markku S. Hannula & Peter Sullivan
DG08 Embodiment in mathematics: Metaphors and gestures
Coordinators: Laurie D. Edwards & Chris Rasmussen & Ornella Robutti & Janete Bolite Frant
DG09 Developing algebra reasoning in the early grades (K-8)
Coordinators: Elizabeth Warren & Tom Cooper
Plenary Lectures | Research Forums | Research Reports | Short Orals | Posters | Working Sessions | Discussion Groups | Complete Volumes |
These are large PDFs of each of the four volumes of the original paper proceedings. These include Volume 1 (all Plenaries, Research Forums, Working Session, Discussion Groups, Short Oral Communications, and Poster Presentations), Volume 2 (Research Reports for authors Adl-Fre), Volume 3 (Research Reports for authors Fug-Mou), and Volume 4 (Research Reports for authors Mul-Wu).