Posters in subways, Says, the EMS committee of WMY: let a competition fly, don't be shy, have a try, why?
For the future of Mathematics!
As one of the events during the World Mathematical Year 2000, the European Mathematical Society together with local committees in several
countries wishes to encourage the idea of posters with a mathematical theme to be displayed in subways, and other public places.These posters should catch the eye, and be representative of mathematics and its uses.
The EMS is convinced that suitable posters will contribute to raising the public awareness of mathematics. The EMS committee of the WMY 2000 invites mathematicians to submit
proposals for posters, in the form of a sketch of the graphics and a suggestion for a short text. There will be prizes for the three best proposals, respectively 200, 150 and 100 ECU, and the names of the
proposers will appear on all those posters which are eventually used. Proposals should be sent before May 1, 1999, to the chairman of the EMS committee for the WMY 2000:
Professor Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark, Building 303, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark.