The IMU Carl
Friedrich Gauss Prize for applications of mathematics is to be awarded for
- mathematical contributions that have found significant practical applications outside of mathematics, or
- achievements that made the application of mathematical methods to areas outside of mathematics possible in an innovative way, e.g., via new modeling techniques or the design and implementation of algorithms.
The Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize is given, in particular, for the impact the work of the prize winner has had in practice.
Since the practical usefulness of mathematical results is often not immediately visible and since the applicability and importance for practice may only be realized after a long time lag, no age limit should restrict the choice of a prize winner.
The Carl
Friedrich Gauss Prize may also be awarded to
- a group of individuals who have jointly made
a contribution as specified above or to
- a group of persons whose individual contributions have jointly resulted in the impact that this prize is intended to honor.
The Carl
Friedrich Gauss Prize is awarded every four years at an International
Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), for the first time at ICM’2006. The Prize
consists of a Medal and a Cash Prize. For the first award, the cash prize will
be Euro 10.000,--. In the case of a shared award each prize winner will receive
a medal, the cash prize will be divided.
International Mathematical Union appoints a Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize
Committee in analogy to its other Prize Committees. The Carl Friedrich Gauss
Prize Committee reports its choice to the IMU president who informs the prize
winner(s), inviting him/her/them to the Award Ceremony at the forthcoming ICM.
The funds
of the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize (resulting from a positive balance of ICM´98
in Berlin) are administrated by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV).
treasurer stays in touch with the IMU president concerning the prize. The DMV
treasurer is responsible for the production of the medal(s) and takes care that
the medal(s) and check(s) are available at the Award Ceremony. The DMV appoints a representative handing
out the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize.