About the Gauss Portrait
The scan shows the best known portrait of Carl
Friedrich Gauss. The original of this portrait was
painted in 1840 by the Danish artist Christian Albrecht
Jensen (1792 - 1870) for the Pulkovo observatory*, where
it is still at present.
In 1840 Christian Albrecht Jensen reproduced this painting
for Professor B.J. Listing, for Professor W. Weber, and
for Professor W.S. von Waltershausen.
The Gauss portrait shown is a scan of the painting copied for
Professor Listing. It was bought on December 29, 1883 by the
National Gallery Berlin from Mrs. Professor Listing and was donated to the
Prussian Academy of Science by the "Ministerium der geistlichen,
Unterrichts- und
Medicinalangelegenheiten" on October 13, 1888. It is now owned by
the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).
The BBAW holds the copyright on the scan of the portrait.
A first restoration of the picture was done in 1945, a major
restoration in 1988 by the restorer Bernd Dombrowski, Berlin.
Göttingen University, where Gauss spent most of his scientific
life, also owns a copy of the Gauss portrait. It was painted
in 1887 by G. Biermann and most likely reproduced from
Professor Weber's copy.
The last German 10 DM bill (before the Deutsche Mark was
replaced by the EURO) shows an image of Gauss. It is a
mirror-inverted and
simplified copy of the Jensen portrait. The medal presented to
the Gauss Prize awardees has also been modelled after this portrait.
*Pulkovo is a village close to St. Petersburg
(Russia). Its observatory was opened in 1839; today it hosts
the Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, http://www.gao.spb.ru/. The first
director of this observatory was the well-known astronomer
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve who was succeeded by his son Otto
Wilhelm, see http://www.gao.spb.ru/english/.
The brains of famous scientists seem to have
special appeal. Göttingen University keeps the
brain of Carl Friedich Gauss. If you want to learn more
about it, see http://www.mpibpc.gwdg.de/inform/MpiNews/cientif/jahrg5/12.99/scta.html