Income: | |
balance 1994 | 105.016,03 |
IMU (Schedule A: Administration) | 11.000,00 |
IMU (Schedule B: Scientific Activities) | 22.000,00 |
interest | 682,04 |
__________ | |
total | 138.698,07 |
Expenditure: | |
transfer charges | 12,82 |
transfer to US$ Account | 20.000,00 |
ICMI balance 1995 | 118.685,25 |
__________ | |
total | 138.698,07 |
Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1995: 1 CHF = 0,87 US$
Income: | |
ICMI balance 1994 1) | 9.608,05 |
Solidarity Fund balance 1994 1) | - 3.382,40 |
transfer from US$ Account
Solidarity Fund (562,00) to Solidarity Fund | 3.382,40 |
transfer from Sterling Account (500,00) | 4.349,85 |
payment from CIDE, Madrid, for EC members' lectures 2) | 15.804,21 |
1. payment (US$ 2.000) of UNESCO grant
to ICMI Study on Geometry 3) | 11.036,40 |
_________ | |
total | 40.798,51 |
Expenditure: | |
EC meeting in Madrid 2) | 10.504,17 |
ICMI Study on Geometry in Catania (Italy), Secretary's expenses | 3.774,00 |
typing of Bulletin 38 & 39 | 2480,00 |
credit card charge | 150,00 |
transfer charges | 30,00 |
Solidarity Fund balance 1995 | 0,00 |
ICMI Balance 1995 (account balance 23.860,34) | 23.860,34 |
_________ | |
total | 40.798,51 |
Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1995: 1 DKR = 0,18 US$
Income: | |
balance 1994 | 21.407,96 |
CUP royalties for studies | 22,01 |
interest | 649,26 |
_________ | |
total | 22.079,23 |
Expenditure: | |
EC meeting in Madrid, members' accommodation and travels | 4.303,10 |
ICMI Study on Geometry, Catania (Italy), President's expenses | 420,35 |
EC member's participation in IX IACME | 545,60 |
transfer to Danish Kroner Account | 500,00 |
transfer charges | 30,30 |
ICMI balance 1995 | 16.279,88 |
_________ | |
total | 22.079,23 |
Den Danske Bank exchange rate, ult. 1995: 1 GBP = 1,55 US$
Income: | |
ICMI balance 1) 1994 | - 11.333,96 |
Solidarity Fund balance 1) 1994 | 31.859,22 |
interest | 1.204,02 |
reimbursement of ICMI expenditures at the Research Study 4) | 5.553,32 |
transfer from Swiss Franc Account (20.000) | 15.426,15 |
Contribution to the Solidarity Fund from
The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia (MERGA) | 1.464,47 |
_________ | |
total | 44.173,22 |
Expenditure: | |
EC meetings, members' travels | 4.416,64 |
ICMI contribution to SEACME 7 5) | 2.000,00 |
ICMI Study on Geometry, Catania, IPC member's travel | 727,00 |
ICMI outlay for Geometry Study Unesco grant 3) | 3.085,14 |
transfer charges | 79,58 |
Solidarity Fund transfer to DKR Account | 562,00 |
Solidarity Fund balance 1995 | 32.761,69 |
ICMI balance 1995 (account balance 33.302,86) | 541,17 |
_________ | |
total | 44.173,22 |
The Executive Committee's thanks also go to the institutions of its other members. These institutions, too, have given invisible support to ICMI's work in a variety of ways. For instance, in many cases these institutions have paid travel and other expenses related to participation in EC meetings and soforth.
Mogens Niss
13 February 1996