
ICM'98 VideoMath Festival

In an effort to reach out to the general public, the ICM'98 organizers are going to offer - in addition to the scientific program - several cultural activities related to mathematics that are attractive not only for ICM98 attendees. One of these events is the

VideoMath Festival.

Short high-quality videos on mathematical topics will be combined into one or two films of about two hours length and shown in the movie theater of the Urania, a center for popular science presentations in Berlin.

A call for videos has been issued in ICM'98 Circular Letter 10. The collection of videos to be presented will be selected by a program committee. For more information about the VideoMath Festival see the VideoMath Festival homepage at TU-Berlin.

Submissions should be sent to

and must be received by Submissions that arrive after this deadline will not be considered. Please consider that customs delays of up to two weeks can occur.

C. Helmberg
Last modified: Thu Nov 20 15:15:08 1997