The Local Organizing Committee has set up the Committee for the Support of Mathematicians from Eastern Europe (CSMEE) to support mathematicians with residence in Eastern European countries and the independent states of the former Soviet Union to attend ICM'98.
The funds of the Organizing Committee for financial support are limited. To secure the participation of as many persons as possible the local Organizing Committee will only support local costs in Berlin. Travel grants are not available! Every person applying for a grant from CSMEE is expected to cover travel expenses from other sources.
All participants who wish to apply for financial support are kindly asked to fill out the application form contained in ICM'98 Circular Letter 14.
DEADLINE (for the submission of applications):
All applications will be reviewed and all applicants will be informed about the result immediately after
Please fill out the form in ICM'98 Circular Letter 14 and return it by E-MAIL to
The SUBJECT LINE of the E-MAIL HEADER must have the following form
If e-mail is not available you can MAIL or FAX the form to the address at the end of the application form.
Further information about this program is available from the Committee CSMEE:
Professor Herbert Kurke
Humboldt University Berlin
Institute of Mathematics
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin, Germany
Fax No. (49)(30) 2843-1866
e-mail: kurke@mathematik.hu-berlin.de
Professor Werner Roemisch
Humboldt University Berlin
Institute of Mathematics
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin, Germany
Fax No. (49)(30) 2093-2232
e-mail: romisch@mathematik.hu-berlin.de
C. Helmberg Last modified: Tue 21 14:05:19 MST