
The Second Announcement of ICM'98

The Second Announcement of ICM'98 will describe the scientific program and the social events of the Congress in detail and give instructions on how to complete the registration process and obtain accommodation.

It will contain a call for contributed short presentations, and give instructions regarding the submission of abstracts.

The Second Announcement will also include advice on how to proceed upon arrival at airports and train stations, and it will be accompanied by a brochure describing the day trips and tours organized by DER-CONGRESS, a professional tour and congress organizer.

The Second Announcement will be mailed from Berlin, by surface mail, at the beginning of 1998. If you are seriously interested in participating in ICM'98 you are strongly encouraged to add your name to the mailing list of the Second Announcement by filling out the Request Form for the Second Announcement.

If you have already requested the Second Announcement, please check your data in the List of Requests for the Second Announcment

ICM'98 homepage

Please send suggestions and corrections to: helmberg@zib.de
Last modified: August 13, 1997