In addition to the scientific program (with plenary and invited speakers chosen by the IMU-appointed ICM'98 Program Committee) a "Section of Special Activities" is planned. One of these activities will be a session on mathematical software, to be held on two afternoons during the congress. The focus of this session will be the presentation of a broad spectrum of mathematical software systems ranging from general purpose systems to specialized systems, e.g., systems from numerical analysis, computer algebra, optimization, mathematical visualization, or mathematical education. The presentations should include typical applications.
This session is planned to attract a broad audience: ICM attendees, students, teachers, etc., with a special interest in mathematical software. The session will take place at the conference site of the ICM'98 congress at the Technische Universitaet Berlin.
A call for presentations has been issued in ICM'98 Circular Letter 17. A program committee for this particular session has been appointed. It will be chaired by Johannes Grabmeier, IBM Germany (speaker of the special interest group for computer algebra of DMV (German Mathematical Society), GAMM and GI).
Submissions should be sent, preferably by electronic mail, to the organizer:
If you intend to make a submission please consult the call for presentations for detailed instructions.
C. Helmberg Last modified: Thu Nov 20 15:15:08 1997