
The First Announcement of ICM'98

There has been a long tradition that the organizers of an International Congress send out a so-called First Announcement to as many mathematicians as possible about one year before the Congress.

The main aim of the First Announcement is to collect the addresses of those mathematicians who are seriously interested in participating in ICM'98. These are asked to request the Second Announcement. Persons having submitted this request (and only these) will receive the Second Announcement in January 1998 by ordinary mail. The Second Announcement will contain all the details about ICM'98 that you would like to know. (These can, of course, also be found in the ICM'98 server.)

With this First Announcement we try to reach, in particular, those mathematicians who are not yet using electronic media intensively. We have therefore asked all Mathematical Societies in the world (that we know of), all Adhering Organisations of IMU and all National Committees of Mathematics to distribute the first announcement by mail or through their newsletters. We are greatful for the support of many of these institutions but, unfortunatly, quite a number did not react.

That is why we ask you for support. Please help to distribute the First Announcement among your collegeaus, in newsletters, and on conferences. The First Announcement is available in the formats

LaTeX and ASCII version of the First Announcement come without the ICM'98 Logo. However, eps-files of the Logo are available if you wish to add them:

ICM'98 homepage

Please send suggestions and corrections to: helmberg@zib.de
Last modified: Wed Sep 17 06:51:38 MET DST 1997