Ensaios Matemáticos
ISSN 2175-0432
The series Ensaios Matemáticos is a publication of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM). It is conceived as a vehicle for authoritative review and state-of-the-art papers and surveys of areas of Mathematics in vigorous development. It particularly encourages works written with a broad and varied readership in mind, offering an accessible overview of current topics in Mathematics.
Ensaios Matemáticos is a member of the Mathematics Survey Project, a group of open access survey journals in Mathematics.
Two volumes of Ensaios Matemáticos will be published per year. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic, containing one or two articles. The series is distributed by SBM. It is accessible electronically at the site www.sbm.org.br, and at the EMS Electronic Library of Mathematics.
The Brazilian Mathematical Society invites authors to submit papers for inclusion in the series by sending their work electronically (as a TEX file) to the editor-in-chief. Papers can be written in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish, preferably in English. All papers are peer refereed.
The volumes of Ensaios Matemáticos published between 1989 and 1993, for which there was not an electronic version, have been retro-digitized at the Digitization Center of the University of Göttingen under an agreement towards a world-wide Digital Mathematics Library (DML). The pdf for these volumes can be downloaded from this site.
The volumes can also be accessed directly at the Digitization Center, which provides more tools: click here to access them at the Digitization Center:

Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Matemática
To order printed copies, contact SBM by fax, mail or email.
Estrada Dona Castorina, 110.
22460-320 Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil fax: 55-21-22594143
email: vendalivros@sbm.org.br
Volume 6 (1993)
Volume 5 (1993)
Volume 4 (1991)
Volume 3 (1991)
Volume 2 (1990)
Volume 1 (1989) |