Volume 37 (April 2005) Number 2ZDMZentralblatt für Didaktik der MathematikInternational Reviews on Mathematical EducationCONTENTS (Full texts are available to subscribers only) Analyses: Multicultural issues in the teaching and learning
of mathematics A1: Introduction: Mathematics education in culturally diverse classrooms A2: Cultural distance and identities in construction within the
multicultural mathematics classroom A3: Teachers’ funds of knowledge and the teaching and learning of
mathematics in multi-ethnic primary schools: Two teachers’ views of linking home
and school A4: Immigrant parents’ perspectives on their children’s mathematics
education A5: Parents’ views on mathematics and the learning of mathematics - an
intercultural comparative study A6: Cultural differences, oral mathematics and
calculators in a teacher training course of the Brazilian Landless Movement A7: Cultural and linguistic problems in the use of authentic textbooks when
teaching mathematics in a foreign language Book Reviews: R1: Padberg, Friedhelm: Didaktik der Arithmetik für Lehrerausbildung und
Lehrerfortbildung R2: Müller, Gerhard N.; Steinbring, Heinz; Wittmann, Erich Ch. (Hg.):
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