Joan Birman
Classical knot theory, theory of braids,
knots in dynamical systems, mapping class groups of surfaces.
Martin Bridson
Geometric group theory; geometry in the presence of non-positive
curvature; low-dimensional topology.
Jim Bryan
Algebraic geometry. Gromov-Witten theory, moduli spaces, gauge theory.
Ben Chow
Geometric evolution equations, Ricci flow, and geometric analysis.
Ralph Cohen
Algebraic Topological Aspects of four dimensional geometry (Gauge
and Symplectic Geometry.
Diffeomorphisms, Embeddings, and Immersions of Manifolds.
K -theory, Homotopy Theory.
Braid groups, loop spaces, and loop groups.
Tobias Colding
Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis and PDE.
Bill Dwyer
Algebraic topology, stable and unstable homotopy theory, algebraic
Yasha Eliashberg
Symplectic geometry and topology,
several complex variables,
singularities of smooth mapppings.
Benson Farb
Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, geometric group theory,
large-scale geometry, nonpositive curvature, mapping class
groups, actions of infinite groups on manifolds
Steve Ferry
Ronald Fintushel
Mike Freedman
David Gabai
Paul Goerss
Lothar Göttsche
Tom Goodwillie
Cameron Gordon
Eleny Ionel
Vaughan Jones
Robion Kirby
Frances Kirwan
Wolfgang Lück
Haynes Miller
Shigeyuki Morita
Tom Mrowka
Walter Neumann
Jean-Pierre Otal
Peter Ozsvath
Leonid Polterovich
Colin Rourke
Ronald J. Stern
Peter Teichner
Gang Tian
These pages are not updated anymore.
They reflect the state of
For the current production of this journal, please refer to
High-dimensional geometric topology and related areas of differential geometry
Topology/geometry in dimension 4, gauge theory.
Low Dimensional Topology, Knot Theory, Hyperbolic Geometry, Foliation and
Lamination Theory.
Algebraic Topology; homotopy theory, stable homotopy theory.
In particular, I'm interested in the interplay between stable homotopy
theory and the algebraic geometry of formal groups - "the chromatic"
approach to stable homotopy theory.
Algebraic Geometry. Moduli spaces, Gromov-Witten invariants, enumerative
geometry, gauge theory.
Manifolds, algebraic K-theory, homotopy theory
Knot theory, 3-dimensional topology.
Symplectic topology, in particular Gromov-Witten and enumerative
invariants; moduli spaces and gauge theory.
Knots and braids, quantum invariants of 3 manifolds,
Loop groups and their representations.
Geometric and low dimensional topology, and, more particularly,
the topology of 4-manifolds and topological quantum field theory.
Symplectic and algebraic geometry, particularly
group actions on symplectic manifolds and algebraic varieties,
geometric invariant theory and moduli spaces.
L2-invariants, K- and L-theory, equivariant algebraic topology,
Homotopy theory, relations between elliptic curves and homotopy theory,
the Steenrod algebra, the homotopy theory of Lie groups.
Low dimensional topology, mapping class groups of surfaces,
moduli space of curves, diffeomorphism groups
Low dimensional topology. Geometric PDEs
Topology/geometry in low dimensions, geometric structures,
geometric group theory, topology of algebraic varieties.
Low-dimensional topology, hyperbolic manifolds, geodesic flows.
Gauge theory, low-dimensional topology, symplectic geometry
Symplectic topology, geometric and topological aspects of dynamical
PL Topology. Low-dimensional topology. Diagrams in group theory.
Topology and (complex, symplectic and differential) geometry in four and
fewer dimensions.
Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory, elliptic cohomology,
classical concordance.
Symplectic manifolds, differential and
complex geometry, geometric analysis.
Archival Version