Low Dimensional Topology - The KirbyFest
at MSRI |
Monday, June 22: |
9:00 |
Welcome |
9:15 |
Andrew Casson |
"Setting the Stage: Surgery in the Sixties" |
10:45 |
Cliff Taubes |
"The Geometry of the Seiberg-Witten Invariants" |
1:00 |
Robert Edwards |
"That marvelous torus" |
2:15-2:45 |
Daryl Cooper |
"The Orbifold Theorem" |
4:00-4:30 |
Danny Ruberman |
"Diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds" |
Tuesday, June 23: |
9:15 |
Joan Birman |
"Vassiliev invariants of knots and links: a survey" |
10:45 |
Cameron Gordon |
"Knots and Dehn Surgery" |
1:00 |
Ron Stern |
"Some curious symplectic and non-symplectic 4-manifolds" |
2:15-2:45 |
Peter Teichner |
"Filtering the knot concordance group by Whitney Towers" |
Wednesday, June 24: |
9:15 |
Vaughn Jones |
"Noncommutative Geometry" |
10:45 |
Larry Siebenmann |
"Kirby and the promised land of topological manifolds: memories and memorable arguments" |
1:00 |
Michael Freedman |
"Some Ideas of Kirby's: in, around, and outside of mathematics" |
2:20-2:50 |
Colin Rourke |
"The Compression Theorem" |
4:00-4:30 |
Cole Giller |
"Emerging Mathematical Ideas in Neurosurgery" |
7:00 |
Banquet at His Lordships Restaurant, Berkeley Marina. |
Thursday, June 25: |
9:15 |
John Morgan |
"Holomorphic bundles over elliptic curves and families of del Pezzo surfaces" |
10:45 |
Dennis Sullivan |
"Combinatorial topology and the continuum model of geometry" |
1:00 |
Curt McMullen |
"Foliated Teichmuller theory" |
2:05-3:00 |
Problem session |
4:00-4:20 |
Michael Hirsch |
"Foliated Surfaces and algorithms for unknots" |
4:30-5:00 |
Fredric Ancel |
"Contractible open n-manifolds (n>4) are determined by their Z-boundaries" |
Friday, June 26: |
9:15 |
Robert Gompf |
"Applications of Kirby Calculus" |
10:45 |
Simon Donaldson |
"Symplectic and Lagrangian surfaces in 4-space" |
1:00 |
William P. Thurston |
"Are 3-manifolds transparent? Diamonds, glass and surgery." |
2:10-2:30 |
Charles Thomas |
"Complexifying Diffeomorphism Groups of a Surface" |
2:40-3:00 |
Fredric Ancel |
"Contractible open n-manifolds (n>4) are determined by their Z-boundaries" |
4:00-4:20 |
Stavros Garoufalidis |
The stable cohomology of the mapping class group with arbitrary coefficients" |
4:30-4:50 |
Larry Taylor |
Remarks on an old friend of Rob's: R4's from then till now" |
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