Geometry & Topology Monographs 3 (2000) -
Invitation to higher local fields,
Part II, section 2, pages 215-221
Adelic constructions for direct images of differentials and symbols
D. Osipov
This work introduces adelic constructions of direct images of differentials
and symbols
in the two-dimensional case in the relative situation.
In particular, reciprocity laws for relative residues of differentials and
symbols are stated and applied to a construction
of the Gysin map for Chow groups.
Keywords. Adelic constructions, direct images of differentials and symbols.
AMS subject classification. 14F10, 19D45, 14C15, 14-99.
E-print: arXiv:math.NT/0012152
Denis Osipov
Department of algebra, Steklov mathematical institute,
ul. Gubkina 8, Moscow GSP-1, 117966 Russia
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