Geometry & Topology Monographs 3 (2000) -
Invitation to higher local fields,
Part I, section 17, pages 143-150
An approach to higher ramification theory
I. Zhukov
This is an introduction to author's ramification theory
of a complete discrete valuation field
with residue field whose p-basis consists of at most one element.
New lower and upper filtrations are defined;
cyclic extensions of degree p may have
non-integer ramification breaks.
A refinement of the filtration for two-dimensional local fields
which is compatible with the reciprocity map is discussed.
Keywords. Higher ramification theory, complete discrete valuation fields.
AMS subject classification. 12F99, 12J25,11-99, 19F99.
E-print: arXiv:math.NT/0012148
Igor Zhukov
Department of mathematics and mechanics, St. Petersburg University,
Bibliotechnaya pl. 2, Staryj Petergof
198904 St. Petersburg, Russia
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