SIGMA 6 (2010), 076, 45 pages math.CV/0512416
Erlangen Program at Large-1: Geometry of Invariants
Vladimir V. Kisil
School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS29JT, UK
Received April 20, 2010, in final form September 10, 2010; Published online September 26, 2010
This paper presents geometrical foundation for a systematic
treatment of three main (elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic) types
of analytic function theories based on the representation theory of
SL2(R) group. We describe here geometries of corresponding domains.
The principal rôle is played by Clifford algebras of matching
types. In this paper we also generalise the
Fillmore-Springer-Cnops construction which describes cycles as
points in the extended space. This allows to consider many algebraic
and geometric invariants of cycles within the Erlangen program
Key words:
analytic function theory; semisimple groups; elliptic;
parabolic; hyperbolic; Clifford algebras; complex numbers; dual
numbers; double numbers; split-complex numbers; Möbius
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