Flatland Position-Dependent-Mass: Polar Coordinates, Separability and Exact Solvability
S. Habib Mazharimousavi and Omar Mustafa
SIGMA 6 (2010), 088, 8 pages [ abs
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Quiver Varieties with Multiplicities, Weyl Groups
of Non-Symmetric Kac-Moody Algebras, and Painlevé Equations
Daisuke Yamakawa
SIGMA 6 (2010), 087, 43 pages [ abs
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κ-Minkowski Spacetimes and DSR Algebras: Fresh Look and Old Problems
Andrzej Borowiec and Anna Pachol
SIGMA 6 (2010), 086, 31 pages [ abs
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Dilogarithm Identities for Sine-Gordon and Reduced Sine-Gordon Y-Systems
Tomoki Nakanishi and Roberto Tateo
SIGMA 6 (2010), 085, 34 pages [ abs
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Hypergeometric τ Functions of the q-Painlevé Systems of Type (A2+A1)(1)
Nobutaka Nakazono
SIGMA 6 (2010), 084, 16 pages [ abs
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The Noncommutative Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts-Amorim Space
Everton M.C. Abreu, Albert C.R. Mendes, Wilson Oliveira and Adriano O. Zangirolami
SIGMA 6 (2010), 083, 37 pages [ abs
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Universal Low Temperature Asymptotics of the Correlation Functions of the Heisenberg Chain
Nicolas Crampé, Frank Göhmann and Andreas Klümper
SIGMA 6 (2010), 082, 5 pages [ abs
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Singular Reduction of Generalized Complex Manifolds
Timothy E. Goldberg
SIGMA 6 (2010), 081, 17 pages [ abs
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Quantum Integrable 1D anyonic Models: Construction through Braided Yang-Baxter Equation
Anjan Kundu
SIGMA 6 (2010), 080, 9 pages [ abs
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Non-Perturbative Asymptotic Improvement of Perturbation Theory and Mellin-Barnes Representation
Samuel Friot and David Greynat
SIGMA 6 (2010), 079, 23 pages [ abs
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A Particular Solution of a Painlevé System in Terms of the Hypergeometric Function n+1Fn
Takao Suzuki
SIGMA 6 (2010), 078, 11 pages [ abs
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A Canonical Trace Associated with Certain Spectral Triples
Sylvie Paycha
SIGMA 6 (2010), 077, 17 pages [ abs
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Erlangen Program at Large-1: Geometry of Invariants
Vladimir V. Kisil
SIGMA 6 (2010), 076, 45 pages [ abs
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Supersymmetrical Separation of Variables in Two-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics
Mikhail V. Ioffe
SIGMA 6 (2010), 075, 10 pages [ abs
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Snyder Space-Time: K-Loop and Lie Triple System
Florian Girelli
SIGMA 6 (2010), 074, 19 pages [ abs
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Quantum Spacetime: a Disambiguation
Gherardo Piacitelli
SIGMA 6 (2010), 073, 43 pages [ abs
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Measure Theory in Noncommutative Spaces
Steven Lord and Fedor Sukochev
SIGMA 6 (2010), 072, 36 pages [ abs
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Hopf Maps, Lowest Landau Level, and Fuzzy Spheres
Kazuki Hasebe
SIGMA 6 (2010), 071, 42 pages [ abs
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C-Integrability Test for Discrete Equations via Multiple Scale Expansions
Christian Scimiterna and Decio Levi
SIGMA 6 (2010), 070, 17 pages [ abs
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Balanced Metrics and Noncommutative Kähler Geometry
Sergio Lukic
SIGMA 6 (2010), 069, 15 pages [ abs
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Twist Quantization of String and Hopf Algebraic Symmetry
Tsuguhiko Asakawa and Satoshi Watamura
SIGMA 6 (2010), 068, 17 pages [ abs
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Modular Theory, Non-Commutative Geometry and Quantum Gravity
Paolo Bertozzini, Roberto Conti and Wicharn Lewkeeratiyutkul
SIGMA 6 (2010), 067, 47 pages [ abs
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Tools for Verifying Classical and Quantum Superintegrability
Ernest G. Kalnins, Jonathan M. Kress and Willard Miller Jr.
SIGMA 6 (2010), 066, 23 pages [ abs
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Double Affine Hecke Algebras of Rank 1 and the Z3-Symmetric Askey-Wilson Relations
Tatsuro Ito and Paul Terwilliger
SIGMA 6 (2010), 065, 9 pages [ abs
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Global Eikonal Condition for Lorentzian Distance Function in Noncommutative Geometry
Nicolas Franco
SIGMA 6 (2010), 064, 11 pages [ abs
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Higher-Dimensional Unified Theories with Fuzzy Extra Dimensions
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis and George Zoupanos
SIGMA 6 (2010), 063, 47 pages [ abs
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Gauge Theories on Deformed Spaces
Daniel N. Blaschke, Erwin Kronberger, René I.P. Sedmik and Michael Wohlgenannt
SIGMA 6 (2010), 062, 70 pages [ abs
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Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes
Alexander Schenkel and Christoph F. Uhlemann
SIGMA 6 (2010), 061, 19 pages [ abs
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Exotic Galilean Symmetry and Non-Commutative Mechanics
Peter A. Horváthy, Luigi Martina and Peter C. Stichel
SIGMA 6 (2010), 060, 26 pages [ abs
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Noncommutativity and Duality through the Symplectic Embedding Formalism
Everton M.C. Abreu, Albert C.R. Mendes and Wilson Oliveira
SIGMA 6 (2010), 059, 36 pages [ abs
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Bifundamental Fuzzy 2-Sphere and Fuzzy Killing Spinors
Horatiu Nastase and Constantinos Papageorgakis
SIGMA 6 (2010), 058, 28 pages [ abs
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A View on Optimal Transport from Noncommutative Geometry
Francesco D'Andrea and Pierre Martinetti
SIGMA 6 (2010), 057, 24 pages [ abs
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A Note on Dirac Operators on the Quantum Punctured Disk
Slawomir Klimek and Matt McBride
SIGMA 6 (2010), 056, 12 pages [ abs
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Bidifferential Calculus Approach to AKNS Hierarchies and Their Solutions
Aristophanes Dimakis and Folkert Müller-Hoissen
SIGMA 6 (2010), 055, 27 pages [ abs
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Horizontal Forms of Chern Type on Complex Finsler Bundles
Cristian Ida
SIGMA 6 (2010), 054, 7 pages [ abs
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Cosmological Symmetry Breaking and Generation of Electromagnetic Field
Michiyasu Nagasawa
SIGMA 6 (2010), 053, 10 pages [ abs
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Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Spacetimes: Theory and Phenomenology
Aiyalam P. Balachandran, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo and Mario Martone
SIGMA 6 (2010), 052, 22 pages [ abs
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Linearization of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations by Generalized Sundman Transformations
Warisa Nakpim and Sergey V. Meleshko
SIGMA 6 (2010), 051, 11 pages [ abs
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The Multitrace Matrix Model of Scalar Field Theory on Fuzzy CPn
Christian Sämann
SIGMA 6 (2010), 050, 23 pages [ abs
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Finite Unification: Theory and Predictions
Sven Heinemeyer, Myriam Mondragón and George Zoupanos
SIGMA 6 (2010), 049, 29 pages [ abs
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On the Origin of the Harmonic Term in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory
Axel de Goursac
SIGMA 6 (2010), 048, 20 pages [ abs
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Translation-Invariant Noncommutative Renormalization
Adrian Tanasa
SIGMA 6 (2010), 047, 13 pages [ abs
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The Scattering Problem for a Noncommutative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Bergfinnur Durhuus and Victor Gayral
SIGMA 6 (2010), 046, 17 pages [ abs
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The Noncommutative Ward Metric
Olaf Lechtenfeld and Marco Maceda
SIGMA 6 (2010), 045, 14 pages [ abs
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Multi-Component NLS Models on Symmetric Spaces: Spectral Properties versus Representations Theory
Vladimir S. Gerdjikov and Georgi G. Grahovski
SIGMA 6 (2010), 044, 29 pages [ abs
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Supersymmetry of Affine Toda Models as Fermionic Symmetry Flows of the Extended mKdV Hierarchy
David M. Schmidtt
SIGMA 6 (2010), 043, 25 pages [ abs
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Discrete Minimal Surface Algebras
Joakim Arnlind and Jens Hoppe
SIGMA 6 (2010), 042, 18 pages [ abs
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Strong Field, Noncommutative QED
Anton Ilderton, Joakim Lundin and Mattias Marklund
SIGMA 6 (2010), 041, 27 pages [ abs
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Integral calculus on Eq(2)
Tomasz Brzeziński
SIGMA 6 (2010), 040, 10 pages [ abs
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Dynamical Critical Exponent for Two-Species Totally Asymmetric Diffusion on a Ring
Birgit Wehefritz-Kaufmann
SIGMA 6 (2010), 039, 15 pages [ abs
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Manifestly Conformal Descriptions and Higher Symmetries of Bosonic Singletons
Xavier Bekaert and Maxim Grigoriev
SIGMA 6 (2010), 038, 18 pages [ abs
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One-Loop Calculations and Detailed Analysis of the Localized Non-Commutative p−2 U(1) Gauge Model
Daniel N. Blaschke, Arnold Rofner and René I.P. Sedmik
SIGMA 6 (2010), 037, 20 pages [ abs
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Open/Closed String Topology and Moduli Space Actions via Open/Closed Hochschild Actions
Ralph M. Kaufmann
SIGMA 6 (2010), 036, 33 pages [ abs
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Monomial Crystals and Partition Crystals
Peter Tingley
SIGMA 6 (2010), 035, 8 pages [ abs
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The Lax Integrable Differential-Difference Dynamical Systems on Extended Phase Spaces
Oksana Ye. Hentosh
SIGMA 6 (2010), 034, 14 pages [ abs
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On Quadrirational Yang-Baxter Maps
V.G. Papageorgiou, Yu.B. Suris, A.G. Tongas and A.P. Veselov
SIGMA 6 (2010), 033, 9 pages [ abs
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A Euclidean Geometric Invariant of Framed (Un)Knots in Manifolds
Jérôme Dubois, Igor G. Korepanov and Evgeniy V. Martyushev
SIGMA 6 (2010), 032, 29 pages [ abs
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On Classical Dynamics of Affinely-Rigid Bodies Subject to the Kirchhoff-Love Constraints
Vasyl Kovalchuk
SIGMA 6 (2010), 031, 12 pages [ abs
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Baker-Akhiezer Modules on Rational Varieties
Irina A. Melnik and Andrey E. Mironov
SIGMA 6 (2010), 030, 15 pages [ abs
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Jordan-Schwinger Representations and Factorised Yang-Baxter Operators
David Karakhanyan and Roland Kirschner
SIGMA 6 (2010), 029, 16 pages [ abs
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Yang-Baxter Maps from the Discrete BKP Equation
Saburo Kakei, Jonathan J.C. Nimmo and Ralph Willox
SIGMA 6 (2010), 028, 11 pages [ abs
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Level Set Structure of an Integrable Cellular Automaton
Taichiro Takagi
SIGMA 6 (2010), 027, 18 pages [ abs
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Spectral Distances: Results for Moyal Plane and Noncommutative Torus
Eric Cagnache and Jean-Christophe Wallet
SIGMA 6 (2010), 026, 17 pages [ abs
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Higher Genus Abelian Functions Associated with Cyclic Trigonal Curves
Matthew England
SIGMA 6 (2010), 025, 22 pages [ abs
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Ordering of Energy Levels for Extended SU(N) Hubbard Chain
Tigran Hakobyan
SIGMA 6 (2010), 024, 13 pages [ abs
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Epsilon Systems on Geometric Crystals of Type An
Toshiki Nakashima
SIGMA 6 (2010), 023, 14 pages [ abs
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Zero Action on Perfect Crystals for Uq(G2(1))
Kailash C. Misra, Mahathir Mohamad and Masato Okado
SIGMA 6 (2010), 022, 12 pages [ abs
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On the Existence of a Codimension 1 Completely Integrable
Totally Geodesic Distribution on a Pseudo-Riemannian Heisenberg Group
Wafaa Batat and Salima Rahmani
SIGMA 6 (2010), 021, 4 pages [ abs
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Geodesic Reduction via Frame Bundle Geometry
Ajit Bhand
SIGMA 6 (2010), 020, 17 pages [ abs
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Emergent Abelian Gauge Fields from Noncommutative Gravity
Allen Stern
SIGMA 6 (2010), 019, 15 pages [ abs
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The Integrability of New Two-Component KdV Equation
Ziemowit Popowicz
SIGMA 6 (2010), 018, 10 pages [ abs
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Solitary Waves in Massive Nonlinear SN-Sigma Models
Alberto Alonso Izquierdo, Miguel Ángel González León and Marina de la Torre Mayado
SIGMA 6 (2010), 017, 22 pages [ abs
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From Noncommutative Sphere to Nonrelativistic Spin
Alexei A. Deriglazov
SIGMA 6 (2010), 016, 8 pages [ abs
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Anharmonic Oscillators with Infinitely Many Real Eigenvalues and PT-Symmetry
Kwang C. Shin
SIGMA 6 (2010), 015, 9 pages [ abs
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Q-system Cluster Algebras, Paths and Total Positivity
Philippe Di Francesco and Rinat Kedem
SIGMA 6 (2010), 014, 36 pages [ abs
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Bethe Ansatz, Inverse Scattering Transform
and Tropical Riemann Theta Function in a Periodic
Soliton Cellular Automaton for An(1)
Atsuo Kuniba and Taichiro Takagi
SIGMA 6 (2010), 013, 52 pages [ abs
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Bäcklund Transformations for the Trigonometric Gaudin Magnet
Orlando Ragnisco and Federico Zullo
SIGMA 6 (2010), 012, 6 pages [ abs
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Krein Spaces in de Sitter Quantum Theories
Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Petr Siegl and Ahmed Youssef
SIGMA 6 (2010), 011, 23 pages [ abs
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q-Analog of Gelfand-Graev Basis for the Noncompact Quantum Algebra Uq(u(n,1))
Raisa M. Asherova, Čestmír Burdík, Miloslav Havlíček, Yuri F. Smirnov and Valeriy N. Tolstoy
SIGMA 6 (2010), 010, 13 pages [ abs
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PT Symmetric Schrödinger Operators: Reality of the Perturbed Eigenvalues
Emanuela Caliceti, Francesco Cannata and Sandro Graffi
SIGMA 6 (2010), 009, 8 pages [ abs
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On Special Berwald Metrics
Akbar Tayebi and Esmaeil Peyghan
SIGMA 6 (2010), 008, 9 pages [ abs
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Quantum Isometry Group for Spectral Triples with Real Structure
Debashish Goswami
SIGMA 6 (2010), 007, 7 pages [ abs
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Peterson's Deformations of Higher Dimensional Quadrics
Ion I. Dincă
SIGMA 6 (2010), 006, 13 pages [ abs
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Algebraic Properties of Curvature Operators in Lorentzian Manifolds with Large Isometry Groups
Giovanni Calvaruso and Eduardo García-Río
SIGMA 6 (2010), 005, 8 pages [ abs
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Classical Particle in Presence of Magnetic Field, Hyperbolic Lobachevsky and Spherical Riemann Models
V.V. Kudryashov, Yu.A. Kurochkin, E.M. Ovsiyuk and V.M. Red'kov
SIGMA 6 (2010), 004, 34 pages [ abs
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Modularity, Atomicity and States in Archimedean Lattice Effect Algebras
Jan Paseka
SIGMA 6 (2010), 003, 9 pages [ abs
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On a Nonlocal Ostrovsky-Whitham Type Dynamical System, Its Riemann
Type Inhomogeneous Regularizations and Their Integrability
Jolanta Golenia, Maxim V. Pavlov, Ziemowit Popowicz and Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
SIGMA 6 (2010), 002, 13 pages [ abs
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Archimedean Atomic Lattice Effect Algebras with Complete Lattice of Sharp Elements
Zdenka Riecanová
SIGMA 6 (2010), 001, 8 pages [ abs
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