SIGMA 5 (2009), 100, 25 pages math-ph/0506022
Multisymplectic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalisms of Classical Field Theories
Narciso Román-Roy
Dept. Matemática Aplicada IV,
Edificio C-3, Campus Norte UPC,
C/ Jordi Girona 1, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
Received July 02, 2009, in final form October 30, 2009; Published online November 06, 2009
This review paper is devoted to presenting
the standard multisymplectic formulation
for describing geometrically classical field theories,
both the regular and singular cases.
First, the main features of the Lagrangian formalism
are revisited and, second,
the Hamiltonian formalism is constructed using Hamiltonian sections.
In both cases, the variational principles leading to
the Euler-Lagrange and the Hamilton-De Donder-Weyl equations,
respectively, are stated,
and these field equations are given in different but equivalent
geometrical ways in each formalism.
Finally, both are unified in a new formulation
(which has been developed in the last years), following
the original ideas of Rusk and Skinner for mechanical systems.
Key words:
classical field theories; Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formalisms; fiber bundles; multisymplectic manifolds.
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