SIGMA 5 (2009), 059, 31 pages arXiv:0902.0621
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Workshop “Elliptic Integrable Systems, Isomonodromy Problems, and Hypergeometric Functions”
Basic Hypergeometric Functions as Limits of Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions
Fokko J. van de Bult and Eric M. Rains
MC 253-37, California Institute of Technology, 91125, Pasadena, CA, USA
Received February 01, 2009; Published online June 10, 2009
We describe a uniform way of obtaining basic hypergeometric functions as limits of the elliptic beta integral.
This description gives rise to the construction of a polytope with a
different basic hypergeometric function attached to each face of this
polytope. We can subsequently obtain various relations, such as
transformations and three-term relations, of these functions by considering
geometrical properties of this polytope.
The most general functions we describe in this way are sums of two
very-well-poised 10φ9's and their Nassrallah-Rahman type
integral representation.
Key words:
elliptic hypergeometric functions, basic hypergeometric functions, transformation formulas.
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