SIGMA 5 (2009), 043, 14 pages arXiv:0904.1372
Contribution to the Proceedings of the VIIth Workshop ''Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators''
The Analytic Continuation of the Lippmann-Schwinger Eigenfunctions, and Antiunitary Symmetries
Rafael de la Madrid
Department of Physics, The Ohio State University at Newark, Newark, OH 43055 USA
Received November 07, 2008, in final form March 30, 2009; Published online April 08, 2009
We review the way to analytically continue the
Lippmann-Schwinger bras and kets into the complex plane. We will see that
a naive analytic continuation leads to nonsensical results in resonance
theory, and we will explain how the non-obvious but correct analytical
continuation is done. We will see that the physical basis for the
non-obvious but correct analytic continuation lies in the invariance of
the Hamiltonian under anti-unitary symmetries such as time reversal or PT.
Key words:
Lippmann-Schwinger equation; resonances; Gamow states; resonant expansions; time reversal; PT symmetry.
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