SIGMA 5 (2009), 009, 76 pages arXiv:0901.3473
Contribution to the Special Issue on Kac-Moody Algebras and Applications
Self-Consistent-Field Method and τ-Functional Method
on Group Manifold in Soliton Theory: a Review and New Results
Seiya Nishiyama a, João da Providência a, Constança Providência a, Flávio Cordeiro b and Takao Komatsu c
a) Centro de Física Teórica,
Departamento de Física, Universidade de Coimbra,
P-3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal
b) Mathematical Institute, Oxford OX1 3LB, UK
c) 3-29-12 Shioya-cho, Tarumi-ku, Kobe 655-0872, Japan
Received September 05, 2008, in final form January 10,
2009; Published online January 22, 2009
The maximally-decoupled method
has been considered as a theory to apply an basic idea of
an integrability condition
to certain multiple parametrized symmetries.
The method is regarded as a mathematical tool
to describe a symmetry of a collective submanifold
in which a canonicity condition
makes the collective variables
to be an orthogonal coordinate-system.
For this aim
we adopt a concept of curvature unfamiliar
in the conventional time-dependent (TD) self-consistent field (SCF) theory.
Our basic idea lies in the introduction of a sort of
Lagrange manner familiar to fluid dynamics to
describe a collective coordinate-system.
This manner enables us to take a one-form
which is linearly composed of a TD SCF Hamiltonian and
infinitesimal generators induced by
collective variable differentials of a canonical transformation
on a group.
The integrability condition of the system read
the curvature C = 0.
Our method is constructed manifesting itself
the structure of the group under consideration.
To go beyond the maximaly-decoupled method,
we have aimed to construct an SCF theory, i.e.,
υ (external parameter)-dependent Hartree-Fock (HF) theory.
Toward such an ultimate goal,
the υ-HF theory has been reconstructed on
an affine Kac-Moody algebra along the soliton theory,
using infinite-dimensional fermion.
An infinite-dimensional fermion operator is introduced through
a Laurent expansion of finite-dimensional fermion operators
with respect to degrees of freedom of the fermions
related to a υ-dependent potential with a Υ-periodicity.
A bilinear equation for the υ-HF theory
has been transcribed
onto the corresponding τ-function
using the regular representation for the group and the Schur-polynomials.
The υ-HF SCF theory on an infinite-dimensional Fock space
leads to a dynamics on an infinite-dimensional Grassmannian Gr∞
and may describe more precisely such a dynamics on the group manifold.
A finite-dimensional Grassmannian
is identified with a Gr∞
which is affiliated with the group manifold obtained
by reducting gl(∞) to sl(N) and su(N).
As an illustration
we will study an infinite-dimensional matrix model
extended from the finite-dimensional su(2)
Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
which is a famous exactly-solvable model.
Key words:
self-consistent field theory; collective theory; soliton theory; affine KM algebra.
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