SIGMA 4 (2008), 073, 19 pages arXiv:0810.4684
Solutions Classification to the Extended Reduced Ostrovsky Equation
Yury A. Stepanyants
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology,
Organisation PMB 1, Menai (Sydney), NSW, 2234, Australia
Received July 14, 2008, in final form October
13, 2008; Published online October 26, 2008
An alternative to the Parkes' approach [SIGMA 4 (2008), 053, 17 pages] is
suggested for the solutions categorization to the extended reduced
Ostrovsky equation (the exROE in Parkes' terminology). The
approach is based on the application of the qualitative theory of
differential equations which includes a mechanical analogy with
the point particle motion in a potential field, the phase plane
method, analysis of homoclinic trajectories and the like. Such an
approach is seemed more vivid and free of some restrictions
contained in [SIGMA 4 (2008), 053, 17 pages].
Key words:
reduced Ostrovsky equation; mechanical analogy; phase
plane; periodic waves; solitary waves, compactons.
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