SIGMA 4 (2008), 067, 22 pages arXiv:0809.5021
Contribution to the Special Issue on Dunkl Operators and Related Topics
Inversion Formulas for the Dunkl Intertwining Operator and Its Dual on Spaces of Functions and Distributions
Khalifa Trimèche
Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Department of Mathematics,
1060 Tunis, Tunisia
Received May 13, 2008, in final form September 16,
2008; Published online September 29, 2008
In this paper we prove inversion formulas for the Dunkl
intertwining operator Vk and for its dual tVk
and we
deduce the expression of the representing distributions of the
inverse operators Vk−1 and tVk−1, and we give some
Key words:
inversion formulas; Dunkl intertwining operator; dual Dunkl intertwining operator.
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