SIGMA 4 (2008), 051, 9 pages arXiv:0806.1466
Quantum Painlevé Equations: from Continuous to Discrete
Hajime Nagoya a, Basil Grammaticos b and Alfred Ramani c
a) Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
b) IMNC, Université Paris VII & XI, CNRS, UMR
8165, Bât. 104, 91406 Orsay, France
c) Centre de Physique Théorique, Ecole
Polytechnique, CNRS, 91128 Palaiseau, France
Received March 05, 2008, in final form May 03,
2008; Published online June 09, 2008
We examine quantum extensions of the continuous
Painlevé equations, expressed as systems of first-order
differential equations for non-commuting objects. We focus on
the Painlevé equations II, IV and V. From their auto-Bäcklund
transformations we derive the contiguity relations which we
interpret as the quantum analogues of the discrete Painlevé
Key words:
discrete systems; quantization; Painlevé equations.
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