SIGMA 4 (2008), 018, 29 pages arXiv:0802.1253
Two-Field Integrable Evolutionary Systems of the
Third Order and Their Differential Substitutions
Anatoly G. Meshkov and Maxim Ju. Balakhnev
Orel State Technical University, Orel, Russia
Received October 04, 2007, in final form January
17, 2008; Published online February 09, 2008
A list of forty third-order exactly integrable
two-field evolutionary systems is presented. Differential
substitutions connecting various systems from the list are found.
It is proved that all the systems can be obtained from only two of
them. Examples of zero curvature representations with 4 × 4
matrices are presented.
Key words:
integrability; symmetry; conservation law;
differential substitutions; zero curvature representation.
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