SIGMA 3 (2007), 117, 28 pages arXiv:0712.1107
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Self-Localized Quasi-Particle Excitation in Quantum Electrodynamics and Its Physical Interpretation
Ilya D. Feranchuk and Sergey I. Feranchuk
Department of Physics, Belarusian University, 4 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Belarus
Received October 21, 2007, in final form November 29, 2007; Published online December 07, 2007
The self-localized quasi-particle excitation of the
electron-positron field (EPF) is found for the first time in
the framework of a standard form of the quantum electrodynamics.
This state is interpreted as the ''physical'' electron (positron)
and it allows one to solve the following problems: i) to express
the ''primary'' charge e0 and the mass m0 of the ''bare''
electron in terms of the observed values of e and m of the
''physical'' electron without any infinite parameters and by
essentially nonperturbative way; ii) to consider μ-meson as
another self-localized EPF state and to estimate the ratio
mμ/m; iii) to prove that the self-localized state is
Lorentz-invariant and its energy spectrum corresponds to the
relativistic free particle with the observed mass m; iv) to
show that the expansion in a power of the observed charge e <<
1 corresponds to the strong coupling expansion in a power of the
''primary'' charge e-10 ~ e when the interaction between
the ``physical'' electron and the transverse electromagnetic
field is considered by means of the perturbation theory and all
terms of this series are free from the ultraviolet divergence.
Key words:
renormalization; Dirac electron-positron vacuum; nonperturbative theory.
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