SIGMA 3 (2007), 115, 9 pages arXiv:0712.1089
Contribution to the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Second-Order Approximate Symmetries of the
Geodesic Equations for the Reissner-Nordström Metric and
Re-Scaling of Energy of a Test Particle
Ibrar Hussain a, Fazal M. Mahomed b and Asghar Qadir a
a) Centre for Advanced Math. and Phys.,
National University of Sciences and Technology,
Campus of the College of Electr. and Mech. Eng., Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
b) School of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand,
Wits 2050, South Afric
Received August 14, 2007, in final form November 16, 2007; Published online December 07, 2007
Following the use of approximate symmetries for the
Schwarzschild spacetime by A.H. Kara, F.M. Mahomed and A. Qadir (Nonlinear Dynam., to appear), we have investigated the exact and
approximate symmetries of the system of geodesic equations for the
Reissner-Nordström spacetime (RN). For this purpose we are forced
to use second order approximate symmetries. It is shown that in the
second-order approximation, energy must be rescaled for the RN
metric. The implications of this rescaling are discussed.
Key words:
Reissner-Nordström metric; geodesic equations;
second-order approximate symmetries.
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