SIGMA 3 (2007), 108, 12 pages arXiv:0711.3347
Contribution to the Proceedings of the 3-rd Microconference Analytic and Algebraic Methods III
Straight Quantum Waveguide with Robin Boundary Conditions
Martin Jílek
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical
Engineering, Czech Technical University, Brehová 7, 11519
Prague, Czech Republic
Received August 10, 2007, in final form November 08, 2007; Published online November 21, 2007
We investigate spectral properties of a quantum particle
confined to an infinite straight planar strip by imposing Robin
boundary conditions with variable coupling. Assuming that the
coupling function tends to a constant at infinity, we localize the
essential spectrum and derive a sufficient condition which
guarantees the existence of bound states. Further properties of the
associated eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are studied numerically by
the mode-matching technique.
Key words:
quantum waveguides; bound states; Robin boundary conditions.
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