SIGMA 3 (2007), 102, 14 pages math.DG/0606552
Contribution to the Proceedings of the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference in honor of Thomas P. Branson
Translation to Bundle Operators
Thomas P. Branson a
and Doojin Hong b
a) Deceased
b) Department of Mathematics, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks ND 58202, USA
Received August 31, 2007, in final form October 24, 2007; Published online October 31, 2007
We give explicit formulas for conformally invariant
operators with leading term an m-th power of Laplacian on the
product of spheres with the natural pseudo-Riemannian product metric for all m.
Key words:
conformally invariant operators; pseudo-Riemannian product of shperes; Fefferman-Graham ambient space;
intertwining operator of the conformal group O(p+1,q+1).
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