SIGMA 3 (2007), 090, 31 pages arXiv:0709.2471
Contribution to the Proceedings of the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference in honor of Thomas P. Branson
Q-Curvature, Spectral Invariants, and Representation Theory
Thomas P. Branson
Received August 01, 2007 from Xingwang Xu; Published online September 16, 2007
We give an introductory account of functional determinants of
elliptic operators on manifolds and Polyakov-type formulas for
their infinitesimal and finite conformal variations.
We relate this to extremal problems and to the Q-curvature on
even-dimensional conformal manifolds.
The exposition is self-contained, in the sense of giving references
sufficient to allow the reader to work through all details.
Key words:
conformal differential geometry; functional determinant; conformal index.
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