SIGMA 3 (2007), 064, 12 pages arXiv:0705.0276
Degenerate Series Representations of the q-Deformed
Algebra so'q(r,s)
Valentyna A. Groza
National Aviation University, 1 Komarov Ave., 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine
Received January 26, 2007, in final form April
18, 2007; Published online May 02, 2007
The q-deformed algebra so'q(r,s) is a real
form of the q-deformed algebra Uq'(so(n,C)),
n = r + s, which differs from the quantum algebra
Uq(so(n,C)) of Drinfeld and Jimbo. We study representations
of the most degenerate series of the algebra so'q(r,s). The
formulas of action of operators of these representations upon the
basis corresponding to restriction of representations onto the
so'q(r) × so'q(s)
are given. Most of
these representations are irreducible. Reducible representations
appear under some conditions for the parameters determining the
representations. All irreducible constituents which appear in
reducible representations of the degenerate series are found. All
*-representations of so'q(r,s) are separated in the set
of irreducible representations obtained in the paper.
Key words:
q-deformed algebras; irreducible representations;
reducible representations.
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