SIGMA 3 (2007), 057, 6 pages arXiv:0704.2679
Contribution to the Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue
On the Applications of a New Technique to Solve Linear
Differential Equations, with and without Source
N. Gurappa a, Pankaj K. Jha b
and Prasanta K. Panigrahi c
a) Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700 064, India
b) Department of Physics, Texas A M University, TX 77843, USA
c) Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009, India
Received November 01, 2006, in final form March
29, 2007; Published online April 20, 2007
A general method for solving linear differential equations of
arbitrary order, is used to arrive at new representations for the
solutions of the known differential equations, both without and with a
source term. A new quasi-solvable potential has also been constructed
taking recourse to the above method.
Key words:
Euler operator; monomials; quasi-exactly solvable models.
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